Fitness and activity should be the synonym to childhood.

Today kids are smart, and have a smart lifestyle owing to the facilities and the access to technology. There has been lethargy, laziness and so much of inactivity that the child of today is not a bubbly kid who is full of energy, but a weak or obese child struggling with many a health issues. These things were probably unheard of till recently. But the current situation calls for an immediate action in this direction.

It is but VITAL for them to know about the importance of Fitness and inculcate it into their lives. An active lifestyle will not only give them a healthier life but a more productive and fruitful life, thus enhancing all the aspects of their life.



The student community spends the major time of the day in school, and generally except for the mandatory zero period or the Physical education period, the students are in the state of physical inactivity as a part of the classroom teaching program. Coupled with this is the inapt nutrition that the students have, owing to many reasons. Nor only during their school hours, but the students have a sedentary lifestyle after the school hours too. It is important for them to understand the need for physical activity and eating right.

FINERGY SERVE focuses on spreading the need for fitness, catering to the routine/temperament and social needs of the current the target audience will be the students. Mild changes that they can incorporate in their lifestyle and routine, will bring about a manifold change in their health and fitness levels.

Inclination towards sports also happens during this time, in this period, and once the children have a better understanding of the physical activity, more and more will chose to be a part of sports, or indulge in sports as a recreation.


The teaching community needs to understand the importance and relevance of fitness -for themselves, for the students and for their personal lives too. The teachers are the mentors and it is vital for them to maintain good health. Many a times due to stressful nature of jobs, they are unable to give time to their fitness. Once the understanding is there, the same will be transferred to the students and the talk about fitness would not be limited to just a few mins in a week, but a healthy essential part of life.

The teachers also should have a say in the CANTEEN, and they need to aware about the menu that is being served, both to them as well as the children.

Finergy Serve aims to conduct sessions for fitness awareness amongst teachers, where not only a theoretical talk will be given but  will they be involved in physical exercises which can be done at any time /place.


The parents play a vital role in maintaining the health and fitness of the child. Most of the students carry their lunch boxes from home, and it is essential for the parents to know what is good for the children. The children spend almost 8 hours in the school and carry their tiffin. It has to be an essential meal and a healthy combination of CARBS-FATS AND PROTEIN.

The parents, either due to paucity of time or lack of awareness are unable to focus on this.

Finergy Serve will offer special talks for parents with nutritionists, who will not only explain about the importance of the nutrition but also give /suggest doable options for the major meals of the day.

The talk will be customized according to the target age group.

Contact us for customized packages.